Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Second History Presentation and an unsolved mystery of the first one

I am writing about the second history presentation. You might ask me, "Hey, where is the first one?" Well, that's the thing I want to ask. You see, my first history presentationg script is gone!!
Somebody mysteriously ripped off my script. So I am doing my second one at least.
Hello everyone. I am Sally and today I am presenting about "The Virgin and CHild with St. Anne".
First I am going to tell the simple information about this painting.
The Virgin and Child with St. Anne is an oil painting by Leonardo Da Vinci. Tin the picture there is St. Anne, her daughter the virgin Mary and the infant Jesus. This painting was commissioned as the high altarpiece for the Chuch of Santissima Annuziata in Florence, Italy and it's theme had long preoccupied Leonardo. It was finished in 1508 and it's demension is 168cm x 112cm. It is now located in Louvre, Paris.
Next I will talk about the history of this painting.
In 1498, Leonardo explored into incorporating these figures together by drawing the Burlington House Cartoon. A guardian at the Louvre discovered several sketches believed to have been made by Leonardo on the back of this painting. Infrared reflectography was used in this painting. What is reflectography anyways? It is a technique used by art historians to detect layers beneath the top surface of a painting and determine whether it is an original. It revealed a "7-by-4 inch drawing of a horse's head" which had a resemblence to sketches of horses that da Vinci had made previously before drawing "The Battle of Anghiari". Also revealed was a second sketch 6 1/2 inch-by-4 inch depiction of half a skull. A third sketch is showed the infant Jesus playing with a lamb, which sketch was very similar to that which is painted on the front side. The Louvre spokesperson said that the sketches were "very probably" made by Leonardo and that it was the first time that any drawing had been found on the "flipside of one of his works". 
Now I will tell you about the hidden meanings and drawings of this picture.
Sigmund Freud who is an Austrian neurologist and psycotherapist found that if you turn the painting sideways, the Virgin's gorment reveals a vulture. He backed up his claim with the fact that Egyptiam heiroglyphs represent the mother as a vulture. THe Egyptians believed that there are no male vultures only female who are impregnented by the wind. Unfortunately for Freud, the word 'vulture' was a mistranslation by the German translator of the Codex. The bird that Leonardo imagined was actually a kite. Kite is a raptor with long wings and weak legs who spend a great deal of time soaring. More information about kite is that it mostly eats carrion but some eat live prey, too. They are birds of prey which, along with hawks and eagles, are from the Accitripitridae. Another theory proposed by Freud attemps to explain Leonardo's fondness of depicting the Virgin Mary with St. Anne. Leonardo, who was illegitimate, was raised by his blood mother initially before being 'adopted' by the wife of his father: Ser Piero. The idea of putting the Mother of God with her own mother was therefore particulary close to Leonardo's heart, because he had "two mothers" himself. It is worth noting that in both versions of the picture (the Louvre painting and the London Cartoon) it is hard to know the difference whether St. Anne is a full generation older than Virgin Mary.
Also I will tell you the character's features in this painting.
Most Leonardo's paintings are both pleasing and calm yet confusing when you look closer. In this picture, Jesus is shown grabbing a sacrificial lamb symbolising his passion while the Virgin tries to restrain him. So except for Jesus who is being up, all of them are sitting down. But from a closer view, the two generations are in a different position. Virgin Mary is actually sitting on St. Anne's lap. This is the most comming way to notice the difference between those two generation. Their facial expressions seem to be very similar but by visual, St. Anne is larger than the Virgin. But besides that it is hard to tell the diffenrence between the mother daughter because of lack of visual clues.
The Virgin Mary and Child with St. Anne isn't very well known and not as famous as Mona Lisa but it is counted as one of da Vinci's masterpieces. There aren't that many information about this painting therefore that much un-known. But da Vinci is very popular topic in the art histiorians so I hope that the painting will be well known and will reveal more and many secrets.
Thank you for listening to my presentation.

Do you think this presentation is good? I don't think so ㅠㅠ))

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